A classic symbol of romance, this gorgeous roses bouquet is set to sweep your special someone off of their feet with each hand picked bloom. Gorgeous Roses exude pure passion and elegance arranged perfectly. The perfect way to shower your sweet heart with love and sweet affection..
Do you want to surprise your loved one in a romantic way but you can’t find the right words? Our advice: say it with roses! Stylish and elegant, the roses are known for their colors and their scent. Did you know that the colors you choose say a lot about the message you want to convey? Avoid a blunder and check out what the different colors mean:
- Red: love, respect and affection
- White: true love, purity, dignity
- Pink: happiness, gratitude, purity, friendship
A modern and trendy presentation of luxurious Roses grouped with fillers & green foliage, a beautiful gift.
Item pictured represent the type of arrangement we offer & may vary slightly depending upon availability.
Order will be delivered together with a small Complimentary greeting card with your message.
Deliveries are carried out throughout Malta & Gozo from Monday to Saturday.
No deliveries are made on Sundays and public holidays.
You will have the option of selecting to pick up from store, during Checkout.
For International orders/deliveries, please contact us for a quote.
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